Design & Print Services
Professional print and display material – your brand in hard copy!
Although digital media is now such a strong element of marketing, print and display material are essential ingredients for any business and should be part of your integrated marketing plan.
Getting it right
Unlike digital, print material is not forgiving or changeable – so it is important to get it right or it can be a waste of your marketing dollars.

For Medical Businesses
Some forms of print and display material include:
- Stationery
- Corporate brochure
- Services brochure/s
- Professional profile
- FACT sheets
- Posters
- Banners
- Signage
- Flyers and direct mailers
- Print advertisements
- Newsletters
- Packaging
- Billboards
Key factors in developing professional print and display material that gets attention and results
Well-conceived print and display material should be directed and balanced with sound art direction and take into consideration different elements including:
- Your brand is king
- Where will it be used?
- What is the best layout?
- What is the best material and stock thickness?
- Details of content and information hierarchy
- Uses the right voice
- What are the key messages?
- Imagery to demonstrate and highlight key aspects of your service
- Call to action
- Contact details

Well-designed print and display materials should be in line with strategic solutions.
Remember that this might be the first introduction your potential client/patient has to you – so you want to get it right.
CJU’s professional marketing and creative design team provide solutions for print and display material that includes professional copywriting, artwork and print material recommendations that keep your brand front and centre.

They know all the codes and regulations so we never have to second guess their advice. We have found that they are always available by email or phone and respond quickly to requests.
Assoc. Prof. David Huber – Endovascular and Vascular Surgeon