Content Marketing
Content Marketing – becoming the expert
Without question for medical businesses, one of the most powerful options available to you for marketing is to become a credible online expert and a trusted resource centre for patients seeking information on your service provision.
What is content marketing?
Content marketing is based around information and education. Within the medical industry it is a strategy that is most understood and will always remain at the heart of good marketing. However, it is also the least utilised by medical businesses in the digital world.
Content is king
One of Dr Google’s key criteria in recognising your website as a credible and trusted source for expert advice is unique and updated content. In current Australian search algorithms, Google is looking for a minimum of 500 to 800 words on a web page to be satisfied that you are an expert in your field.
The power of blogs
Google also wants to see fresh information on your website so that it knows the business is alive and active. The best way to accomplish this is with a blog. It allows you to upload fresh content easily without changing the site’s structure or navigation.
Utilising the power of your website to create blogs supported by posts to relevant social media channels can create a following and allows your brand and your services to become trusted and recognised as a leader by Google and returned in search.
Break it up
Content marketing can include updated news articles (blogs), animations, whitepapers and video – the more variety, the more appealing.
Although minimalist design websites look attractive, they will always struggle with performing in search.
Great imagery and bold space look great, but Google doesn’t see images. It sees words and content. The more robust the content on your website, the greater chance you have of being returned in search.
The importance of SEO
No matter how strong your website content is, you will still need SEO to enable your website to rank in search. SEO activities will include adjustments to content based on keyword placement and other factors and is an integral part of a solid digital marketing program.

Do you need help with content marketing?
CJU’s team of professional copywriters can assist with your content marketing needs and develop content calendars tailored to the needs of your
medical business.
We can support you with the management of your online content marketing to ensure your communication and interaction is regular, informative,
compelling and gains you recognition as an authority in your field.

The team at CJU have worked seamlessly with our internal team and we are pleased to continue in our relationship and use of their services.
Tony Geftakis, CEO Liverpool Day Surgery