Professional Imagery - more than just pretty pictures…

There’s a reason behind the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Real imagery is one of the most powerful tools we can use. It can convey information effectively and simply and easily  explain complex concepts.

A current (and scary!) example is cigarette packaging. The label warnings were changed from written statutory warning messages to confronting imagery and this proved to have an enormous effect and decrease in cigarette smoking. Desired outcome achieved!

Stock library shots – are we over them yet?

How many Australian medical websites and associated marketing material do we see with stock images of doctors in white coats wearing stethoscopes around their necks, or the same images of an elderly gentleman or younger disabled person used repeatedly across multiple websites and brochures for many hundreds of organisations.

Whilst there are still times when stock library shots are useful, they cannot compare with real imagery.

When used properly and to positive effect, real imagery has a number of key advantages:


Real imagery introduces you

It can show your team, individuals, your business space, your customer service point or your product and creates a feeling of familiarity.


It gives an insight

It gives an insight into your service offering through well planned photography shot sheets that focus on key aspects of your business and customer interactions.


Generates interest

It generates interest in your business and service, prompts questions and opens conversations.


It builds trust

Well planned photography will concentrate on highlighting the tangible and intangible aspects of your service such as caring and valuing patients and clients.


It helps create relationships

Seeing real images of people within your business in your marketing develops a sense of “I know this person” when your potential patient or client comes to meet you.

Good imagery doesn’t happen by chance

Good professional images don’t just happen. Photography shoots with CJU’s professional photographic team and state of the art equipment are planned in detail and directed to take into account the unique aspects of your business, where the images are to be used, suitable subjects and models, props, locations and all elements necessary to properly capture the intangible and tangible elements of your business and services.

If you want to stand out from the crowd – use real professional imagery of your business

Don’t let stock shots or amateur photographers create your brand’s imagery. CJU’s professional photography team has vast experience with many thousands of professional photographic shoots in clinical, aged care , NDIS and non-clinical environments.


It was obvious to me very early on that CJU are highly knowledgeable industry leaders, and I have always been impressed with their professionalism, expertise and quality of service.

Dr Earl Abraham – Endocrine and General Surgeon.
